3D Animation of a Cottage

Animated walkthrough has significantly optimized architect-client communication. Before CG videos came into play, architects had to present their ideas by the means of drawings. And explaining them to clients is extremely difficult. They find drawings too schematic and non-informative. That is because they have very little or no knowledge of architecture, nor should they. This, however, leads to misunderstandings with an architect, slowing down the work progress. 

3D architectural walkthrough animation can level the playing field. It allows people without any architectural training to understand projects easily. This means that 3D animated videos can prevent miscommunication between architects and clients. How exactly is that possible? Learn about 5 misunderstandings that an animated CG walkthrough helps to solve!


The probability of architects and potential investors having the same background is, to say the least, rather slim. Hence, explaining the technical side of a project is a huge professional challenge. Getting into in-depth discussions about structural integrity, functionality, various mechanisms, construction materials, layouts, or expecting proper feedback on a complicated blueprint usually just confuses the client.

An animated walkthrough can help avoid confusion. A CG animation conveys information in an engaging and, most importantly, easy to understand way. Instead of trying to figure out the meaning of schemes and numbers, the client will see the expected result in realistic quality. An animated 3D walkthrough can visually explain any technical aspect of interior or exterior design. It can emphasize every important element and even show household mechanisms in action. Which lays the ground for understanding between the author of the project and clients. 


There isn’t a set formula for rationalizing the price of a non-existent structure. That requires proper architectural background, a clear understanding of the equipment and materials to be used, and needed manpower. Plus, every architect does things a little differently. And every project calls for a wide range of various work to be done. That is why, pointing to a blueprint and asking a person to imagine the value of a design is not the best approach. Furthermore, more often than not the client already has the cost projections in their mind. And oftentimes, they don’t match the reality.

That is where an animated 3D walkthrough becomes the architect’s best friend. It can erase all the possible price-related misunderstandings with ease. CG videos can showcase the beauty and the functionality of a future structure. It pinpoint the benefits of intelligent design, and highlight the perks of opting for quality materials. This way, a photoreal 3D walkthrough sells the price.

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The client’s interest doesn’t end with seeing a future building itself. They also want to experience how the structure harmonizes with its surroundings. But more often than not, imagination fails in such cases. Assuming that clients can just imagine the dwelling into its context leads to a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings. Fortunately, a 3D animated walkthrough can showcase a building in its future location. Such an approach can make the project more transparent and understandable for clients.

Which is why visualizing the architectural object in the surroundings may become a turning point and secure the deal. The environment paints a story, evokes emotion, and paints a full picture of a project. As a rule, 3D animation walkthrough companies have vast libraries of assets for recreating any kind of setting. Need to show ocean-view from a luxury hotel room? No problem! Want a birds-eye view of a picturesque neighborhood? You got it! An animated 3D walkthrough of a buzzing street surrounding the future restaurant? Easy! There isn’t something a professional 3D animation studio can’t create. 

For a more realistic presentation, a digital recreation of the surroundings can be replaced by a video of the real location. It can be done with the help of an advanced technology called ‘match moving’. For this, a CGI studio would need a drone-footage of the actual location sent along with the drawings of a house. A 3D model of the building is then created and ‘placed’ in the footage of the real location, thus bringing the realistic depiction factor to the max. 


More often than not, bringing an architectural project to life is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, transparency and trust should be worthwhile goals for every architect-client relationship. And this is exactly what a 3D architectural walkthrough animation can help with. 

A professional 3D animation can show the scale of the structure. It explains the exterior and interior design, providing a clear view of the form, volume, and functionality of every room. An animated walkthrough can showcase all features, functional solutions, and materials. This way, CG videos provide a detailed, straightforward scope of the project. Seeing the expected result of construction provides the client with a clear understanding of the volume of works. Moreover, it helps to realize how much time would be needed to complete them. Plus, a photorealistic 3D walkthrough opens up the floor to suggestions and changes. This improves architect-client communication and helps build trust from the very beginning.


Working on the same project and having the same goal in mind doesn’t mean the expected outcome also aligns. The truth is, architects and their clients can be discussing the work from dusk till dawn, exchanging information, and going through tons of blueprints all the while keeping a different final result in mind. This sort of misunderstanding can be a very expensive one. The final stage of any architectural project is in no way a good time for restarting a room layout discussion or deliberating that other construction materials must be used. 

Drawings and sketches are still a big part of any architectural project. But none of the above can align the expectations of everyone involved. Once more, CG animated videos to the rescue! A detailed 3D walkthrough of a finished building is vital for speaking the same language. It aligns an architect’s and client’s visions, and helps to build a successful collaboration. What’s more, seeing a 3D animated version of the future property can help to pinpoint any problem areas and clashes at the earliest stages. Such alignment of the visions eliminates most of the possible misunderstandings. 

An animated walkthrough is a true gift for professionals in the architectural field. It allows them to explain technicalities of design, justify its costs, and show it within the future surroundings. Also, a CG video makes the scope of works clear and aligns visions of architects and their clientele. All in all, the usage of a CG walkthrough for presenting a project leaves no room for misunderstanding. Which guarantees that the client will be satisfied. 

Need an engaging 3D animated video of your architectural design? Contact our 3D animation company and get the result that exceeds your expectations!

An animated CG walkthrough is a digital video that showcases the expected outcome of architectural projects in photorealistic quality.

3D artists start with making plenty of still renders showing the building from different perspectives. Then, these renderings are ‘jointed’ in a particular sequence with the help of computer software to simulate movement.

The creation of an animated 3D video of an architectural object usually takes from a few weeks to a few months.

With an animated 3D walkthrough, architects can demonstrate the future outcome of their work in motion and photoreal quality. This helps to create stunning presentations and promotional materials. 

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.

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