3D Architectural Visualization Of Airport Lobby

3D architectural services have skyrocketed professionals from many spheres that are connected to building design, construction and sales. Yes, despite a common misconception, not only architects benefit from CGI, but also developers, property marketers, and, of course, realtors. Some may object: after all, how an architectural animation studio can help those whose job involves meeting clients in person and showing them around the building they want to buy? It’s more about the individual skill of a realtor rather than tools they use, isn’t it? 

Not quite. Market dictates that every business should attract clients via social media. Social media need a constant stream of high-quality content, something that attracts attention and informs about what a company has to offer. What does it have to do with realtors and CGI? Why use arguably more expensive 3D graphics and animation when live-action videos can get the job done most of the time? To alleviate skepticism, today we will prove that 3D architectural services can provide realtors with something much bigger than just ad materials. Find out how CGI can help your real estate business become a social media rockstar!

#1. Visualize Hard to Reach and Empty Properties

Sometimes commercial or residential lots are located in remote, hard to reach locations, making filming them even DIY simply unviable. Another scenario – there is a great piece of real estate, like a freshly-built house or apartment complex, but it’s completely empty – blank walls, unfurnished, completely boring and unappealing. Companies that struggle with such cases can breathe a sigh of relief with 3D visualization and architectural design animation. In first case, 3D architectural services can provide photorealistic renditions of properties in question with bare minimum of required materials: photos and floor plans. On top of that, resulting visuals can be refined and made into true social media gems with great editing and special effects, grabbing attention easily. 

As for the second case, architectural visualization shines in bringing dreams to life. After providing same data from previous example a realtor can add information on what kind of furniture and decor to add, what paintjob to give, how to spice it up, or simply give basic guidelines and leave it to professional 3D architectural services to create a masterpiece.

#2. Offer Clients Virtual Tours

Live-action videos of real estate just showcase properties. Some may be interested, but only if they are actively looking for a new home or other type of building. What about an average social media user who has stumbled on company’s page? 3D architectural services can help secure deals with both kinds of customers: potential and actual ones. How? By taking them on a virtual tour, of course! SM posts can lure in average viewers and then hit them hard with a link to a photorealistic 3D walkthrough. A combination of great cinematic tour and an ability to see everything in detail on one’s own is often enough to seal the deal. And if companies want to be extra fancy and have a substantial budget, they can commission 3D architectural services to set tours in virtual reality, with greater effect. However, VR is not meant for social media, but still is a cool additional feature for willing clients.

Want to know the cost of your CGI project?
Contact us to learn the exact price of your 3D animation!

#3. Augmented Reality Apps

AR has emerged fairly recently, but has ever since become a huge game changer for many industries. It can even be called, arguably, the best thing realtors can get from 3D architectural services. It gives clients an opportunity to not just see the CG rendition of their future property, but also do whatever they want to it. See it from different POVs, add or remove furniture and decor, recolor, set different lighting – the list goes on. And all that functionality comes not in a high-end PC, but in any semi-modern smartphone with access to cloud services! AR apps are common, mostly free and some come with an “embed link” function. Needless to say, this enhances realtors’ social media presence and gives them an extra marketing tool at the same time.

#4. Architectural Animation For Social Media Consistency

Social media need a constant stream of content if a company wants to stay relevant and attract clients. It may seem like not a huge challenge for realtors – just film a building on the outside and inside, add some SEO magic, and voila: quality content. But as we’ve mentioned previously, some properties are either empty or hard to reach. In this case, 3D architectural services can not only provide static CGI, but animation as well. On top of that, 3D graphics allow businesses to stock up on reusable visuals for similar properties, with few changed assets.

#5. 3D Blueprints To Explain Intricacies Easier

Blueprints make for poor SMM content: a regular person just can’t make out what’s good about a building depicted on one. What do those numbers and markings mean? What are the selling points of that interior or exterior?  What furniture can be placed there and how would it look like? 3D architectural services offer answers to all those questions in form of 3D blueprints. It boils down to turning regular architectural blueprints into isometric 3D renditions of interiors or exteriors. It makes for much better content, and can include a link to an interactive version, allowing clients to see different ways the space can look like and be exploited.

3D architectural services have helped many achieve commercial success, and realtors are no exception. CGI can help with newly-constructed houses, make clients invested without showing them around their future property and make the experience comfortable both for the seller and the buyer. What not to love about it? 

Feeling that your real estate business in a dire need of some CGI to expand your presence on the Internet? We’ll gladly provide you with high-quality architectural animation and visualization for any goal!

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.

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