Architectural Animation Of A Skyscraper Apartment

The best architectural animation company – how many times have you heard this phrase? A lot, no doubt. Every business naturally wants to put itself above the competition, and 3D animation industry is no exception. But what really makes an architectural animation studio great? What are the criteria that signify that your potential contractor is a market leader? To answer these questions we have compiled a few points you should pay attention to when searching for an architectural animation studio. Join us, as we explore 5 criteria that make the best architectural animation company!

#1. Portfolio Quality

Portfolio is the face of a 3D animation studio, and should be the first thing to judge. If a company has none, ignore it without question. As for what to look out for, here are a few things. One, 3D model quality: how accurate they are to the original blueprints or photos. Two, the animation itself: how fluid it is, whether or not the lighting and shadows look organic and what techniques are used throughout. Three, are assets and scenes equally good-looking, or is there a gap in quality for one of them? Finally, the best architectural animation companies have vast portfolios featuring various styles and building types, both exteriors and interiors – size and variety are perfect proof of experience.

#2. Price Calculation

There are various factors that affect architectural walkthrough cost, but there’s a huge difference between fair and unfair task value. True market leaders present a comprehensive list of services, including all tasks and costs, accurate and honest. The best architectural animation companies even offer a few preset packages for different goals and budgets. Everything should be suited to maximize client comfort and make sure they don’t order things they don’t want to. Project managers can even offer a few ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality of animation.

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#3. Project Team Size

Best companies are big, and big business means lots of staff. Why does that matter for 3D architectural animation? Simply put, a bigger team of 3D artists can finish a project faster and with higher quality. Businesses that can claim title of the best architectural animation company can form teams of specialists, about dozen each, that can easily finish a two-minute photorealistic 3D video in two weeks. Thus it’s important to check project team sizes of potential contractors, the bigger the better.

#4. Market Experience

Everyone wants to work with a market leader, but how to be sure that a particular best architectural animation company has lots of experience? A bit of research helps, but it’s also important to inquire about projects, work with big clients and how competent and proficient are 3D artists. Knowing that a studio has cooperated with giant corporations or celebrities speak volumes about who one is dealing with.

#5. Feedback Quality

Feedback plays a huge part in forming best architectural animation company’s reputation. How to know that the studio one is working with has that covered perfectly? While contractor’s animation team works on the assignment, one should pay attention when asking for and receiving feedback from personal project managers. It’s important to judge architectural animation company’s service by how fast, efficient, comfortable and individually-focused it is. If PMs are asleep or not responding for half the time or refuse to provide milestone progress images – drop it and look for better service from a real market leader.

So, the best architectural animation company – does one exist? Debatable. But there are certainly contractors out there that provide high-quality architectural 3D videos for a fair price, on time and make working with them as comfortable as possible. If your experience with CGI studios was sub-par or you want to seek new and better options, we’ll be glad to show how a market leader should act. Start an architectural animation project and enjoy professional service and gorgeous products!

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.

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