3D Animation Of A Rural Two-Story Home

Thanks to 3D animation design services, architects can present their projects more effectively than ever before. CGI videos are a powerful visual tool for demonstrating the expected outcome of construction in motion and photorealistic quality. It truly impresses potential clients and stakeholders. So, with a 3D animation, pitching architectural designs became a piece of cake. Now, the architecture experts can forget about fruitless efforts to explain their ideas through schematic blueprints. A photoreal 3D animation allows to come up with detailed and appealing presentations that clearly illustrate what a project is all about. 

But design pitching is not the only case when 3D animation for construction comes in handy. CGI can help successfully deal with plenty of other challenging situations in architecture experts’ workflow. Join us and find out when exactly 3D animation design services can save an architect’s day!

#1. CGI animation services help when there is no video content for marketing campaigns

The usage of video content is a must for a successful promo campaign. According to Oberlo, 54% of people want to see videos from a brand or business they support. The same source reports that those businesses that use video for marketing get 66% more qualified leads per year. This kind of content is also very important to promote services through a website. Animaker informs that the landing pages with a video rank 53 times better on Google. Also, it is vital for SMM strategies because videos are the most preferable type of content in social media.

Considering all these convincing stats, it’s obvious that architecture professionals should make use of video marketing. But here comes a problem. To shoot fancy footage, an architect needs ready buildings. But oftentimes, most of them are still in the design or construction stage. Which means that there is almost nothing to film yet. Luckily, 3D animation design services provide a great solution to this issue. An architecture expert can send drawings of the upcoming project to a CGI studio, and skilled 3D artists will create a photoreal film showing the future house in full splendor. This way, it is possible to get enough catchy content to share on a website and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Houzz. 

#2. CG animation services allow retaining the best version of design even if the client changes it

Architects pour their hearts and souls into their projects. They choose only the best solutions and materials to create real masterpieces. And, naturally, they love to see their work brought to life and then share images of them in portfolios. 

But more often than not, the clients suggest changing the design due to considerations such as cost and so on. For instance, they might ask to go for a cheaper material or solution to save money. As professionals, the architects have to take their client’s wish into the account even if they personally dislike it. The design is therefore changed from what it initially was to something the architectural specialist considers inferior. Which can disappoint the author of the project who wanted to take the pictures of the perfect result for their portfolio.

But with 3D animation design services, it is possible to showcase the finest version of the projects even if the clients modified them. For this, it is needed to send initial drawings and references to a CGI studio. Using these materials, seasoned 3D animation artists will create a photoreal CG video showing the building as it was originally planned. The architects can add this CG footage to the portfolio and feel satisfied that they share only the best possible version of their work.

Want to know the cost of your CGI project?
Contact us to learn the exact price of your 3D animation!

#3. CG animations help stand out when competing for bids

When it comes to tenders, the construction industry is highly competitive all over the world. And the more prestigious is the bidding, the tougher is the competition. So, to get a chance to win a bid, an architect has to really stand out to outrace other bidders. But how to do this? The bidding documentation submitted by competitors consists of schematic drawings, sketches, and price estimates. These materials are quite dry and unmemorable so they won’t help much in impressing the stakeholders. 

It takes something different to stand out and win a bid. And a photorealistic CGI architectural animation of the future real estate can help here. If the stakeholders are provided not only with blueprints and estimates but also with a 3D video of the design, it will draw their attention. The high-quality CGI footage showcasing the future building and its surroundings would doubtlessly make a bidder stand out from the rest. In such a way, 3D animation design services can help an architecture professional win the tender.

#4. CG animation eliminates the need for building physical models

Even before the advent of 3D animation design services, drawings and sketches were not the only materials used for presentation. It has always been necessary for architects to have a detailed and realistic representation of their projects. This role was played by physical mock-ups. But creating such models took a lot of time, effort, and material resources. Also, they are fragile and difficult to amend.

Now, instead of using physical models of a building, an architecture expert can go for 3D animation design services. A photorealistic CG footage can present future real estate as precisely as a mock-up. But with the difference that the creation of CG films requires no materials at all. What is more, it needs no effort from an architecture experts’ side. They don’t have to personally do the work as they can outsource it to a professional 3D animation studio. It helps architects save their precious time and spend it on other important tasks or resting. 

#5. CGI services help justify the project costs

Sometimes the cost projections for architectural design may be higher than what a client or a stakeholder expected. When such a situation occurs, the author must justify the price of their offering adequately. They need to prove that they chose costly solutions and materials to ensure the high-end look and durability of a building. But it is pretty hard to convince a client about that using sketches and blueprints.

That is where 3D animation design services come in. With CGI, the architectural specialist can demonstrate to the client all the beauty and functionality of a project. A photoreal animation can show in detail the high quality of materials used for construction, the benefits of a smart layout and even the appeal of the future house’s surroundings. Once the audience sees it all in full glory, they won’t doubt the architect’s choice and will understand that the design is totally worth its price. 

3D animation design services ease the architecture professionals’ work in numerous ways. They provide high-quality content for marketing purposes, allow to show the design at its best, and help win bids. Also, CG films eliminate the need to build complicated physical models of buildings and assist in justifying upmarket projects price. 

Want to optimize your workflow using stunning 3D footage of your architectural designs? Contact our 3D animation company and we will gladly help you do just that!

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.

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