Realtor Viewing a Presentation on a Smartphone

Content is king, as Bill Gates said. Today, this quote is relevant as never before, and it works for players of all industries, including real estate. Content marketing is used by realty experts for numerous purposes. It helps engage with the audience, generate new leads, and raise brand awareness. However, to reach all these goals, it is needed to use smart strategies. Which means that shared content must not just inform about listings but also educate, entertain, answer burning questions, and give fresh ideas. Only this way, it can help build trust with the audience and motivate them to choose a realty expert over other competitors. 

But here comes the question: what types of content are the best to reach the desired goals? What should a real estate share besides photos of listings and their descriptions? There are multiple options, and one can easily get lost in the variety of possible variants. We decided to sort them out and share only the best ones. Check out 7 top content marketing ideas for real estate businesses!

#1. Videos and 3D Animations

Using videos is one of the most effective content marketing ideas for real estate businesses. Research shows that a listing with a video generates up to 403% more inquiries than one without. The same research indicates that 85% of prospects prefer to work with an agent who uses real estate video marketing. Potential buyers rely on videos to find out more about the property itself as well as about its neighborhood. So, it is a wise move to promote listings through this type of content. 

But what to do if a real estate expert has to promote and sell a property that is currently unfinished? Shooting a video of a messy construction site is definitely not an option. In such a case, a real estate seller can take advantage of CGI technology to have a 3D animation of the property made. CG videos are able to show the future result of construction in photoreal quality, allowing the potential buyers to see real estate in full splendor before it physically exists.  

#2. Content Made with the Help of Digital Technologies

Stylish Before-After Comparison of Property with Virtual Staging

New technologies help bring the finest content marketing ideas for real estate to life. While ignoring innovations means missing out on wonderful opportunities to impress potential clients. Let’s see why. 

Static pictures of a property give viewers a fragmented impression. They do not let viewers grasp the feel of a place. So, what can fill this gap? Instead of still photos, a real estate agent should consider interactive 360-degree tours. They can be made with the help of panoramic or a DSLR camera. Such tours enable a prospect to ‘walk around’ the house or apartment virtually, take a closer look at the design details, and so on. They are interactive, engaging, and provide the audience with an immersive experience. If the property is not finished yet, it is possible to have a 3D virtual tour created to show how it will look in the future. 

Virtual staging is another product of digital technologies that can help a real estate agent with content marketing. It is especially useful when a house or an apartment in question is unfinished or needs renovation. Virtual staging allows for showing such properties in the best possible condition, with brand new design and furnishings. But unlike physical staging, it does not require performing any renovation works or renting furniture and decor. That is why virtual staging is much cheaper and faster. All a realty expert needs for getting photoreal visuals of virtually staged properties is making an order at a professional CGI studio.

#3. Smart Features for a Website

Real Estate Website

A realty expert’s website is the primary place to direct content marketing efforts. It is the face of the brand, it defines the very first experience that a potential client gets. So, the website of a real estate professional must be not less than outstanding. Which means that it must be well-designed and easy to navigate. Also, it should have features that make it convenient for visitors to get the necessary information. Here are some ideas on content that a website has to include.

It is reasonable to add embedded price calculators, appointment-booking tools, form downloads, and social media widgets. The website should also feature educational and even entertaining content, such as blogs and interesting quizzes. And, of course, it is vital to have a regularly updated gallery of new listings. This gallery must consist of high-quality images showing every aspect of offered properties. Such visuals can be made with photography or photorealistic CGI. The latter option is especially useful for marketing unfinished homes.

#4. Valuable Content for Email Marketing

Using a Laptop for Real Estate E-Mail Marketing

Our list of great content marketing ideas for real estate would be incomplete without this point. That’s because a whopping 72% of people would like to receive promotional materials in the form of emails. Moreover, this method generates the best ROI 3.800%! People prefer this type of receiving marketing content because when sent via email, the information is less intrusive. Also, it can be saved for future viewing, unlike pop-up ads, for example. So, real estate businesses should use this tool to the fullest. 

But what exactly should marketing emails for real estate businesses consist of? Let’s take a look at some of the best ideas. Apart from information about new listings, which is a must, there are plenty of options to choose from. These include home buying, selling, and maintenance tips, market trends, news of a local community, and so on. In a nutshell, a real estate agent should provide content informing about new offers and establishing the company as an expert in the field. Texts for emails must be written in a simple, reader-friendly language. Also, it is important to include clearly labeled active links and appealing visuals to the letters. 

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Contact us to learn the exact price of your 3D animation!

#5. Success Stories from the Clients’ Perspective

Using a Laptop to See Client Testimonials

People tend to trust a company’s clients’ words more than a company’s ads. And stats prove it. 86% of potential clients check out reviews before contacting a firm, and 68% of them choose businesses that have positive feedback from the former customers. These numbers show that using testimonials is one of the most effective content marketing ideas for real estate experts.

The format and content of the reviews influence their effectiveness. Testimonials shouldn’t be too short and general, such as ‘I loved working with this agent’. However, too lengthy ones do not work as well. So, it is best to ask former clients for relatively concise yet informative comments. As for the format of reviews, here are some ideas on how this content can be presented. A real estate expert can provide customer reviews in the form of videos, podcasts, or texts. Of the three, videos are the most captivating for the audience. Testimonials can be shared on the company’s site and social media pages. 

#6. Informative Infographics

Person Using Infographics

Infographics simplify complex information and make it easily digestible for a wider audience. They are widely used in many industries, and real estate is one of them. That is because realty experts often have to deal with complicated numbers. Attractively presenting them with infographics is among the best content marketing ideas for real estate businesses.

Sometimes, such numbers may be related to a single listing. They might indicate price, area, the number of rooms, and other characteristics of an offered house or apartment. Or, there may be a need to present industry-wide numbers, such as the interest rates for mortgages. In any case, sharing this information in the form of a catchy, eye-pleasing infographic is much better than doing it with the help of dry texts. To keep the audience’s attention,  infographics should be simple, colorful, and non-repetitive.

#7. Content Tailored for the Target Audience’s Preferences

Realtor Using a Laptop for Work

Last but not least of the best content marketing ideas for real estate businesses is customizing materials to the clients’ interests and needs. Usually, a realtor is working in a specific niche. For instance, they might deal with luxury mansions, sold to middle-aged and senior individuals with a high income. In this case, content must meet the interests of this group. For instance, when sharing content about the neighborhood of a house, a realty expert can add details about places where wealthy people prefer to spend their time. A realtor can mention elite country clubs, fancy restaurants, and so on. 

And if the company specializes in working with millennials that have a middle level of income, they should provide them with tips on how to buy a home. This is because people in that age bracket are most likely to be buying a house or apartment for the first time. Also, this group is known for their love for new technologies. So, they will appreciate it if an agent tells them in detail about high-tech features in an offered house. 

We hope these 7 ideas will help real estate professionals succeed in content marketing. If used smartly, they can assist in getting many new leads and turning them into grateful clients. 

Need showstopping digital videos to market unfinished properties as successfully as ready ones? Contact our 3D animation company, and we’ll help you out!

Sharing high-end visuals of listings and detailed info about them are at the top of content marketing ideas for real estate. Also, it is recommended to post useful advice on home buying & selling, maintenance, paperwork related to the process. Another useful tip is sharing customer reviews, market trends, and news about the local community. 

Realtors should identify their target audience in the first place. Then, they should reach out to that audience through all possible marketing channels. These include a company’s website, social media, emails, advertising in print outlets, and so on. Other good ideas are encouraging referrals and organizing events such as open houses.

To attract those who are interested in buying luxury houses and apartments, a real estate expert should use content that meets the needs of this audience. For instance, this type of prospects won’t be attracted by the tips on how to find affordable housing. But they are likely to get interested if the agent knows their lifestyle, and will tell them why an offered property is the best place to live the life they enjoy. 

One of the best ideas on how to promote an unfinished house or apartment is using 3D visualization. Architectural 3D renders and animations can show the expected outcome of the construction in photorealistic quality. This way, it allows the prospects for visualizing their future home clearly and makes them more confident about signing the deal. 

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.

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6 replies
  1. Alex
    Alex says:

    Content is king, so true. I’m currently working hard on going out there and making connections on Instagram and LinkedIn. I wish I knew all this stuff a few years ago.


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