3D Interior Visualization of a House Interior

3D animation services can aid architects in turning a project presentation into a compelling story. Which can greatly help in convincing the prospects to sign a deal with an architecture expert. That is because 90% of people engage more with a presentation if it is provided in the form of a story. Visual narratives amuse, inspire, and entertain. They evoke the audience’s emotions and thus make the presented offer look more relatable and attractive. However, while storytelling is the best tool to prepare a great presentation, 46% of experts consider crafting a good narrative as a big challenge. And the architects are definitely a part of these statistics. 

Oftentimes, they have to present designs in the form of blueprints and sketches. These materials are schematic, and most of the people just cannot understand them properly, let alone imagining any story based on them. So, should architecture experts abandon the idea of using storytelling techniques? Should they put up with presenting their works through drawings? Absolutely not!

3D animation design services can save the day, turning the architect’s pitching into an exciting and convincing visual narrative. CG videos bring life to the presentation. They enable the audience to not only visualize the building but also imagine the future life there in all details. How is that possible? Join us to learn 5 ways 3D animation services help tell stories about architectural designs and sway the audience to signing the deal with an architect! 

#1. A 3D Animation Includes Contextual Elements that Allow for Feeling Atmosphere of the House

The purpose of an architect’s presentation is to give the client a clear view of the future life in the designed property. Sketches and drawings are not the right tools for this job. No matter how accurate and detailed they are, they only show the house schematically and do not convey the atmosphere of the place. While the use of 3D animation services enables the architect to show the dwelling in a photorealistic CG video that tells a story about living there. 

To achieve such an effect, 3D artists add contextual elements to CG footage. These can be 3D models of furnishings, decor, vehicles, plants, food, and drinks, or other objects. For example, 3D animation services providers can make 3D footage showcasing funny toys and colorful furniture in the nursery of the house. Such contextual elements would show a client how their child would enjoy living in the new home. Or, a 3D animation can demonstrate 3D models of cars parked by the future property. While looking at them, the viewers will recall the cozy feeling of driving back home from work. Seeing such details help the audience grasp the feel of the place and get charmed by it. This way, it becomes easier to convince them about signing the deal with an architect.

#2. CG Videos Show People to Make a Visual Narrative More Realistic

With professional 3D animation services, it is possible to get CG footage showcasing people inside or outside the building. This will help viewers imagine themselves living in the property once it is built. The CG footage might include digital models of people or even filmed real-life actors. The latter is possible if the 3D artist uses the Chroma Key technology and the appropriate software.

3D videos can show people involved in different activities depending on the purpose of a building. For instance, a 3D animation presenting a residential property can showcase a family party on the terrace or a group of friends relaxing by the pool in the yard. Such scenes help the audience better visualize the lifestyle that they will have in a new home. And if they relate to what they see, they become more likely to approve the project. 

Want to know the cost of your CGI project?
Contact us to learn the exact price of your 3D animation!

#3. A 3D Animation Enhances Narratives with Music, Voiceovers, and Subtitles

Professional 3D animation services providers make CG videos featuring specifically chosen soundtracks that help to convey the atmosphere of the location. For example, 3D footage may include an upbeat melody to emphasize the lively mood of a new kindergarten. Or, it can feature a relatively calm and neutral tune for a more formal setting, like an office space. Music can also be used to highlight the most impressive moments in the video.

Apart from music, CG footage can include effects such as sounds of a noisy city or nature. The latter, for instance, might include the wavering grass and leaves, sea waves, birds singing, and so on. These sounds greatly contribute to the overall impression that a 3D animation gives to the audience. On top of that, CG footage can include voiceovers and subtitles. They are used to tell a story about the place and explain its benefits — like in the ‘Dream House’ 3D demonstration above.

#4. CG Videos Feature Different POVs and Special Effects to Make Visual Narratives Exciting

Providers of CGI animation services can make 3D footage that shows the future property from different perspectives. It can showcase the building from an eye-level view and also an aerial view. The first option allows the audience to examine the architectural features of the design in detail. The aerial view, on the other hand, can demonstrate the neighborhood and infrastructure around the building. Besides the functional importance of the different views, a combination of them within one CG footage looks especially impressive. 

Another good option that 3D animation services offer is to show the house in time-lapse. This effect lets the client see the building in different seasons and times of the day, all during a single presentation. Time-lapse can also showcase the whole construction process within a few minutes. This will be especially exciting, considering that the building does not exist yet.

#5. A 3D Animation Tells about the Neighborhood

Potential homeowners are interested to see not just the house itself but the neighborhood as well. They want to know what amenities they will have within easy reach if they decide to live in this place. Public transport spots, shopping malls, restaurants, sports clubs, parks, squares, natural landscapes, and so on — the potential buyers are interested in everything that surrounds their future home. 

The use of 3D animation services enables the architect to provide them with this information in the form of a beautiful story. For this, a CG video might even include separate scenes that do not show the house but emphasize the comforts available in the neighborhood. With such an asset, the prospects will be able to easily understand whether the location is a good fit for them.

3D animation services help architects use storytelling in project presentations in many ways. They enable to showcasing contextual elements in different parts of the future building, which helps to feel the atmosphere of the place. 3D videos can also show people undertaking various activities, and this livens up project presentation to life. CGI services providers can make a 3D animation with music, voiceovers, subtitles, different POVs, and special effects. On top of that, CG footage can tell about the future house’s neighborhood. All these options help make an architecture design presentation an interesting story that wins the audience and sways them to sign a deal with the project’s author. 

Need CGI services to make your architecture project presentation a compelling story? Contact our 3D animation company, and we’ll help you with that!

Catherine Paul
Content Writer, Editor

Catherine is a content writer and editor. In her articles, she explains how CGI is transforming the world of architecture and design. Outside of office, she enjoys yoga, travelling, and watching horrors.

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27 replies
  1. Donna Voorhest
    Donna Voorhest says:

    Good afternoon,
    I am an interior design graduate student at The Savannah College of Art and Design, and am seeking permission to use one of your short videos in a PowerPoint class presentation on the topic of presentation drawings and renderings. I also need to know the name of the artist who rendered the video labeled “Hotel Reception Area” that I would like to use, as we are conscientious regarding attributions, even for school assignments. I have submitted my personal email, as I am not sure we are approved to use school email addresses for communication external to SCAD business. I hope to hear from you and want to thank you for your time.
    Donna Voorhest

  2. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    Thank you for talking about the storytelling! Everyone says it’s important, but you can’t quite find anything specific

  3. Jasper White
    Jasper White says:

    Just wanted to let you know that the video in point 3 is breathtaking. Where can I see more of you work?

  4. Hanna Lee
    Hanna Lee says:

    Hmm I wonder what kind of voice overs can be used in architectural animation. Would like to learn more about this.

  5. Emmett White
    Emmett White says:

    Thanks for the great ideas! I am an architect, and such useful materials are extremely hard to find. I love especially the tip about animations being atmospheric – I can see why this is important.

  6. Noah Clerc
    Noah Clerc says:

    Love what you say about showing the project in different seasons and weather, a good 3D animation should have some drama to it

  7. Gabriel
    Gabriel says:

    Marketing with video is emerging as one of the hottest resources used by businesses to enhance income and revenue. This short article features a huge amount of fantastic marketing with video guidance that can be used to further improve your business. By wisely utilizing the most effective video marketing strategies you are sure to savor good results.


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